We invite you to buy in our store.
Stairs salon and exhibition
Gostyńska 61
64-000 Kościan (Poland)
Technical advice directly:
Tel. mobil: (+48) 509 046 444
tel / fax: (0048) 65 511 92 16
Email address: [email protected]
Load on 1 step
Package weight (stairs + euro pallet)
- With packaging 120 kg
- With packaging 130 kg
- With packaging 140 kg
- With packaging 150 kg
- With packaging 160 kg
- With packaging 170 kg
- With packaging 180 kg
- With packaging 190 kg
- With packaging 200 kg
- With packaging 210 kg
- With packaging 220 kg
- With packaging 230 kg
- With packaging 240 kg
- With packaging 250 kg
- With packaging 260 kg
- With packaging 270 kg
- With packaging 280 kg
- With packaging 290 kg
- With packaging 300 kg
Stairs Metal Mix 180 Vertical L-90, U-180
We present you with a modern, extremely durable metal stairs. What are their characteristics? First of all, it distinguishes them flexibility, modern design and universal. We know from experience that the use of our stairs metal carries a number of benefits, but primarily visible change the whole look of the room. Forms of metal stairs can be varied, depending on the needs of our customers. It is the buyer determines the final color of the product and the use of appropriate materials. The offer includes a lot of types of metal stairs, so we are sure that our experts will choose products according to your needs. Our goal is to create products unique and timeless at the same time so that each of you found the product fully meets the needs and adapting to the whole environment.